- Business policy
- Mission statement
- Values and Drivers
- Product realization
- Resource-management
- Certified development-process

Guidelines of GRW
Company Policy
To provide our customers with top-notch products and services to fulfill their individual needs and to forge long-lasting partnerships that help both parties grow and prosper is the major goal of our daily work. The customer is in the focus of all our processes.
Driven by this spirit, our workflow always revolves around creating the best ball bearing solution for our customers’ specific purposes in terms of highest quality, attractive price-performance ratio, short lead-time and just-in-time delivery.
Our business strategy is aimed at precisely meeting our customers’ expectations. Therefore, the GRW company policy places great value on intense communication with our customer throughout the creative processes of development and design of the ball bearing solution. Carefully evaluating each customer review of GRW’s proposals, drawings and prototypes, we are continuously looking for ways to yield the best possible outcomes. A fully integrated system of KPIs (key performance indicators) enables us to identify untapped potentials and continuously optimizes our processes.

GRW Company Guidelines in a Nutshell
At GRW, we take our obligation for executive care very seriously – whether it is in our capacity as manufacturer, service provider, employer or business partner. Our company policy guarantees compliance with the following guidelines:
Employee motivation
GRW’s business is a people business. We know that the success of GRW depends on our highly skilled and committed employees. From industrial workers at the shop-floor level to managers at the executive level – each staff member represents an invaluable part of GRW. Therefore we offer various benefits including specialist trainings so that employees can continuously refine and extend their expertise. -
Customer satisfaction
To exactly meet our customer’s requirements constantly drives us to deliver precision in quality and excellence in performance. Oftentimes, off-the-shelf products alone do not suffice to help our customers succeed. Hence, we consequently develop ground-breaking solutions that meet our customer’s specific expectations down to the last detail. -
Zero-defect strategy
Rather than fixing mistakes and mishaps we are optimising our processes by following a continuous improvement philosophy to achieve highest quality standards at all times. Therefore, each of our employees is able to contribute with his excellence to achieve GWR’s outstanding quality levels and hence comply with our zero-defect strategy. The realization of this philosophy from the first to the last step in our manufacturing process is prerequisite for GRW’s specialized high-precision ball bearing solutions. -
Lean management principles
Performing at the highest levels of efficiency and without spending unnecessary time and effort requires a state-of-the-art lean management philosophy with elements like:
- Stable, standardized and controlled work processes
- minimized set-up times
- just-in-time supply and manufacturing processes
In addition and to be able to serve our customer’s demand with shortest possible lead-times, flexibility remains at the center of the GRW company policy.
Keeping up with the competition:
Over the last 75 years, we have positioned our company as leading manufacturer of customized, high-precision ball-bearing solutions. At GRW, we strongly believe that there is always room for improvement in all tasks, processes and functions. In order to safeguard our sustainable long-term growth, we constantly set new goals for ourselves – whether it is implementing modern technology, optimizing workflows, or readjusting current product lines. -
We always act compliant with existing guidelines
Keeping any existing statutory regulations, compliance guidelines and customer guidelines is not only a duty as given by law or contract but an implicitness of GRW business philosophy and guidance for sustainable leadership style. -
Communication is key
Our success as a company depends on our ability to interact in an open, transparent, active and fair way with our customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders and stakeholders (community, authorities, parties). Regular check-ups help us to understand our perceived position and to further improve a thorough, meaningful and respectful communication of our GRW company policy to any interested third party. -
Sustainability today and tomorrow:
We are convinced that economic success can go hand in hand with realising principles of social and ecological responsibility. GRW thinks ahead and takes both present and future consequences regarding environment and resources into its consideration regarding supply, manufacturing and shipment. Sustainability is a major pillar of GRW’s management philosophy.
The Mission Statement of GRW
Act as the leading provider of customized, high-precision ball bearings on a global scale.
This mission motivates us not only to reach, but also to surpass the goals we have set for ourselves. The name GRW has become synonymous with:
- cutting-edge innovation
- high-level technical expertise
- long-time experience
From day one, the mission of GRW has been to create ball bearings which fulfil in the best possible way our customers’ needs and objectives.We will thus continue to develop unprecedented solutions and explore unchartered territories in the age of digitization.
Our Company’s Vision: First-Rate Products and Services
Progress, precision, and perfection – these characteristics represent the guidelines for our business. We aim to create technically refined ball bearings that serve the present and future generations. More than 600 employees work together to carry out this mission at GRW.

Our company culture is premised upon:
- mutual respect
- individual advancement
- team spirit
By offering specialist training at every level, we make sure that our staff is ready to master new challenges any time. From shop floor to executive management – we all keep pace with modern technology and the dynamics of our industry. However, while specific strategies may vary, the GRW mission remains the same: Providing our global customer base with specialized, innovative, high-precision ball bearings.

Company Values at GRW: Our daily drive
Our work at GRW is shaped by a set of core company values and business objectives that shape the work and team. They are the basis to develop and build the best solutions regarding any kind of ball bearings. Additionally, they shape the path of our corporate development between the workplace and our customer. Each of our employees represents these core values in his daily work and each employee contributes by adding own ideas and expectations. That is how we achieve our mission at GRW: Keeping our world-leadership in customized, high-precision ball bearings.

Values, that Guide Our
Entrepreneurial Spirit
Teamwork and responsibility:
To develop our high-quality products, each employee contributes individual expertise and experience in an environment of close cooperation, mutual respect and joint responsibility. -
Future-oriented solutions:
Best practice solutions and innovative products can only emerge through trustful teamwork, open mindedness and a competition of the most advanced ideas. -
Sustainable solutions:
Our environment is our future – we take care of our environment and develop strategies to save natural resources.
Product Realization
at GRW
We develop, manufacture, test and deliver high precision ball bearings to fulfill our customer’s specific requirements. In order to provide excellent customized solutions, we have created a set of benchmarks for our product development & manufacturing process.
Documentation and Assessment of Customer Requirements
Our sales teams and our technical engineers identify our customers’ needs, review them for completeness and document them. Any later changes in the specific requirements are carefully documented and consequently considered in manufacturing. -
Customer Communication
In order to offer optimized solutions, we aim to coordinate and communicate all steps during the product realization process closely and individually.
Our Suppliers and Service Providers
Optimized manufacturing requires qualified suppliers and service partners. We are sourcing raw material, parts and services only from suppliers, that have been carefully selected and follow continuous improvement programs. -
Quality Controls
Products and services sourced from third party suppliers are inspected regularly in order to ensure our highest quality standards. -
Capacity and Economic Efficiency
The capacity and economic efficiency of our product realization, as well as the availability of our machines is ensured at all times. We use suitable methods of process control and preventive maintenance. Find more information on our work in the company policy of GRW!

Resource Management:
Our Benchmarks at GRW
To achieve our GRW mission to be the worldwide leading manufacturer of customized high-precision ball bearing solutions, we aim for constant adjustment and implementation of our resource management system. Especially our excellent employee base for the manufacturing and assembly of our high-tech products and the funding of the necessary equipment expansion with sufficient financial means is key to reach our long-term company targets.
Human Resource Planning for more efficiency
Being a manufacturer of specially engineered high-precision solutions, our employees are at the very center of our resource management: We have implemented systematic employee trainings where each employee’s knowledge and competence is updated regularly.
We strive to get more efficient day by day – in administrative functions as well as all shop-floor activities. Each member of our GRW workforce is aware of its individual contribution in reaching the corporate goals of GRW.
Work Safety as an Important Tool of Resource Management
The occupational safety of our team is a heartfelt assignment for us at GRW. We go the “extra mile” compared to standard regulations in our industry especially in the areas of:
- Health provision & care including of course specific measures to protect from COVID-19
- Working environment attractiveness and effectiveness
- Work safety regulations

How Certification
Works at the
GRW Company
Our mission is to create high-precision ball bearings that fully comply with international quality standards. Currently, more than 1,000 business partners benefit from these services. When it comes to customer relations, we place great value on:
- transparency
- mutual trust
- partnership
GRW has built (and continues to build) a client base that expects perfection. In order to meet those expectations, we have all GRW products and services undergo regular certification processes. Therefore, we can be sure that our ball bearings will fulfil their intended purpose.
Certified Products Only – Because Safety Comes First
GRW relies on a modern and sustainable quality management system in line with EN 9100:2018 guidelines. As a global supplier, we aim to offer a standardized and certified product range for every customer – no matter which country or global region. Therefore, all our processes are subject to testing which is conducted by internationally renowned institutes. These independent reviews have awarded GRW with the following certification:
You can download our certificate here.

Internal Process Optimization on a Daily Basis
Across all departments of our company, we strive to make our workflow as perfect and efficient as possible. Regular check-ups and inspections ensure that potential deficiencies are identified and eliminated immediately. Within this framework, highly specialized engineers develop innovative ball bearings for various professional fields:
Whether it be off-the-shelf products or customized solutions – GRW certification standards apply to all stages of production. Our ball bearings guarantee maximum precision and durability for customers all over the world. If you would like to learn more about what we can do for your company, please contact GRW any time. We look forward to bringing your business up-to-date.